Friday, April 04, 2008

* Ali-Asghar Kazemi ( Profile)

cerebral palsy
cerebral palsy


Rear admiral 2nd. ( Ret.) Iranian Navy.
Professor of International Law and Politics, International Relations and Environmental Law.
Former professor at the National Defense University, Tehran -Iran.
Former Dean of the Graduate School of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University ( Science and Research Branch ) Tehran-Iran.

Was Legal Adviser to the the Commander in Chief of the Iranian Navy and Iranian Foreign Ministry and Member of Iranian Delegation to the UN Third Law of the Sea Conference (UNCLOS III), and UN Preparatory Commission for the Law of the Sea Tribunal.

Has been involved in Iran-Iraq peace talks, and was a member of the Cease-fire Committee and the Legal Committee in charge of War Damage Assessment.

He was Legal Adviser and Member of Iranian Delegation to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the Airbus incident (Montreal, Canada 1988).

He has participated in various national and international conferences including  the Workshop on Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, organized by the Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Center (MEMAC), an organ of the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME), in Bahrain, 1994.

He has written extensively on various legal, political, strategic and environmental aspects of the Middle East , Persian Gulf.and the world. He is a winner of the 'Book of the Year Prize', Islamic Republic of Iran for his book titled :International Relations in Theory and Practice (1994).

He is also the winner of the first prize for research oriented to Iran-Iraq War for his book titled : Legal Dimensions of the Prospects for Peace Between Iran and Iraq,( 1999).
Medal of Knowledge for scholarly works before the revolution in 1974.
Dr. Kazemi is a graduate of The French Ecole du Commissariat de la Marine Nationale. Holds M.S. in Management Science from the United States Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterrey, California(1971). He also holds M.A., M.A.L.D., and PhD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts.(1976-1979).
Professor Kazemi has been Legal Counsel representing the Islamic Republic of Iran's claim to the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) for environmental damages caused by Iraqi aggression against Kuwait in 1991.The case was under consideration by the expert panels of the UNCC in Geneva-Switzerland.

The Following is a List of Books in Persian

By : Ali-Asghar Kazemi

1. Modern Diplomacy in an age of Revolution in International Relations ,Tehran: Institute for Political and International Studies(IPIS), 1985. Bibliography, Index.

2. International Crises Management, Tehran : Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) , 1986. Bib.,Index.

3. The Role of Power in Society and International Relations , Tehran : Ghomes Publisher, 1988 . Bib., Index.

4. Legal Dimensions of Iran's Sovereignty in the Persian Gulf. Tehran: Institute for Political and International Studies(IPIS), 1988, 1991, 1993.Bib.,Index.

5. Integration Theory in International Relations , Tehran: Ghomes Publisher, 1988. Bibliography, Index.

6. International Relations in Theory and Practice, Tehran: Ghomes Publisher, 1993, 1995,1998.Bibliography ,Index. ( Winner of the Book of the Year Prize, 1994)

7. The Crises of Modernity and Political Culture in Contemporary Iran, Tehran : Ghomes Publisher, 1996. Bibliography, Index.
( See PowerPoint short presentation of this book)

8. Ethics and Politics: Political Thoughts in Praxis , Tehran: Ghomes Publisher, 1996. Bibliography , Index.

9. Method and Insight in Politics, ( A Philosophical , Scientific and Methodological Approach) , Tehran: Institute for Political and International Studies
(IPIS), 1995. Bib.,Index.

10. Politimetrics: Quantitative Methods in Politics and International Relations, Tehran: IPIS. 1995. Bib. ,Index.

11. Legal Dimensions of the Prospects for Peace between Iran and Iraq, Tehran, Islamic Cultural Propagation Publishing Co. 1998. (First Prize Winner of the 8th Anniversary of the Iran-Iraq War. 2000) . Bib., Index.
12. Linkage politics and International Relations, Tehran, Ghomes Publishing Co., 1991, Bib., Index.

13. The Crisis Of Modern Society , Moral and Cultural Decline of Modernity, Tehran : Islamcpo Publishing Co. 1999. Bib., Index.

14. Public Policy and Political Management, Tehran : Islamcpo Publishing Co. 2000 .Bibliography , Index.
15. The Seven Pillars of Politics , Tehran: Islamcpo Publishing Co. 2000. Bib., Index.

16. Globalization of Culture and Politics, A Critical and Epistemological Analysis. Tehran : Ghoomes Publishing Co. 2001. pp.335 + Bib. + Index.

17. The End of Politics and the Last Myth : Critical Order in the Post-Political 21st Century. Tehran : Ghoomes Publishing Co. 2001.

List of Selected Articles in Persian
The Following is a List of more recent Articles in Persian, published in Iranian Journals

1- "The United Nations Organization and the New World Order,"in : Iranian Journal of Strategic and Defense Studies , National Defense University, Tehran, 1999.
2- "Idealism and Realism in Foreign Policy," in Iranian Journal of Foreign Policy,No4(11),1998 3- "Conceptualization about Culture and Civilization," in Political and Economic Journal ( Ettela 'at) , No.141-142, 2000.Please refer to the "File"
4- "The Distorted Knowledge: Reflection on the 20th Century Political Thought," in Political and Economic Journal ( Ettela'at) No.133-134, 1998.
5-" Method and Insight in Political Theory," Political and Economic Journal ( Ettela'at) No. 121-122, 1998.
7- "A Journey to Tajikistan," Central Asia and the Caucasus Review, No. 16. 1996 , The Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
8- " A Critical Analysis of Political Methodology," Political and Economic Journal (Ettela'at) , No.113-114. 1996.
9-" Theory of Surplus Value in Cultural Exchange Among Nations," Political and Economic Journal (Ettela'at) No.99-100. 1995.
10- " The United Nations Organizations at the Threshold of the 21st Century," Iranian Journal of Foreign Policy. No.1( 14), 2000.
11- " Civil Consciousness and Civil Society," Collected Papers of the Seminar on Civil Society, Ministry of Culture ,Tehran, Iran. 1997.
12- " The End of Politics and the Last Myth : Critical Order in the World of 21st Century" Political and Economic Journal ( Ettela'at), No.161-162. Winter ,2001.
13- " Ethical Foundations of Republican State," Collected Papers of the Seminar on Republic.., Ministry of Culture , Tehran, Iran. 1998.
14-" Theory of Cultural Exchange and the Dialogue Between Civilizations," Collected Papers of the Seminar of The Dialogue of Civilizations, Ministry of Culture , Tehran , Iran.1999.
.15-"The Post-Political Condition".. in Political and Economic Journal ( Ettela'at), No. 163-164. Spring , 2001. . See File in Persian. . . . . . .

... . . . . . . . . .
 List of papers and Articles in English & French:
 By Subjects 

Iran-US Relations

Middle East
Nuclear Issues
Political and Social Issues 
Foreign Policy and Strategy
Articles en Français
Articles Sorted by Dates

Monographs and Articles in English

1-" Environmental Damage Assessment and Loss Valuation : Criteria and Techniques". 1998 . Prepared for the Environmental Claim of Iran Presented to the United Nations Compensation Commission UNCC. 1999. To see the new edition of the text click here to Download the File No.1.

2- "Legal Basis of Iraq's International Responsibility for Compensation, with Respect to Damage Caused to the Environment During its Aggression Against and Occupation of Kuwait.1990.-1991. Environmental Claim....1999. To see the text click here to download the File No.2.
3-"Environmental Setting of Iran Before and After the Persian Gulf War." Environmental Claim... 1999.New edition, Spring , 2001. To see the new edition of theText click here to download the File No.3.

4-"Aggression Related Damage to Iran's Environment and Natural Resources: The Case of
Iraq-Kuwait War of 1990-1991," Environmental Claim......1997. New Edition Spring 2001.. To see the Text click here todownload the File No.4.

5-Religion and Politics: In Search of Compatibility and Compromise - With Special Reference to Islam and Iran . ( Monograph ) 1986

6-" Peace Through Deception : The Iran-Iraq Correspondence," in Farhang Rajaee, Iranian Perspectives on the Iran-Iraq War.. University Press of Florida, 1997. ISBN 0-8130-1476-X.

7-"Development and the Issue of Transit: The Case of Land-locked States of Central Asia
and Caucasia " Iranian Journal of Foreign Policy, !994

8- Iran's Maritime Strategy in the Persian Gulf, Monograph ,1978.

9- Toward a Regional Sea Concept in a New Maritime Environment: Problems, Prospects and Implications for International Relations. PhD. Dissertation, The Fletcher School of law and Diplomacy, Medford , Massachussetts,1978.

10-" The Issue of Neutrality in Contemporary International Armed Conflicts" .( Monograph-1987)
. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

Monographs in Persian

1- The Law of War and Neutrality at Sea , Tehran, 1972, Revised in1982, pp. 350

2- The Sea in International Relations, Tehran, 1973, Revised in 1983, pp. 400.

3- War and International Trade at Sea., Tehran , 1973. Revised in 1982. pp. 360 .

4- The Law of Environment, Tehran, 1985.

5- Collected Papers and Short Articles [on Strategy, Persian Gulf War and International Relations ] (1979-1987), Three Volumes.

6- Collected Literary Works ( 1962-1976) Three Volumes.

7- International Law of the Sea, Collected Reports of the United Nations Third Law of the
Sea Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,Tehran , Iran.1974-1983.

Current Academic Function

Former Dean of the The Graduate School of Law and Political Science, Research and Science Campus of the Islamic Azad University, March 2003- September 2005. Currently professor of international Law and International Relations.


Currently I have two books under publication by Ghoomes Publishing Co. in Tehran .The first is Globalization of Culture and politics . . . . . and the second is the most controversial work I have ever done , that is : The End of Politics and the Last Myth : Critical Order in the Post -Political 21st Century . Both books cover issues and problems of our time, viewed from a critical and epistemological perspective. I hope the first one will come out of print before the beginning of the next academic year in September 2001. The second book shall eventually come out not later than next December.
Currently , I am working on a new book related to an important subject of Public International Law. The writing of the main body of the book is already finished. I am in the process
of checking the content and citations. I hope to get it published during the next Iranian year.


I have published two articles recently , both dealing with the much
disputed theory of " The End of Politics . . . " In fact, they have been taken
from the aforementioned book : The End of Politics. . . Another article in the same series will be published very soon by the same Journal i.e. Political and Economic Ettela'at in Tehran -Iran. For more recent papers in English see this site Documents


Next fall I will be teaching the following courses at
PhD. Level :
- Methodology in Political Science
- The Law of War and Neutrality
- Crisis Management
- Political Institutions and Public Policy


I have presented a paper in a Seminar organized by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, School of International Relations on the occasion of the Centennial of Diplomatic Training in Iran. The paper is titled : " Diplomacy, Ethics and National Interests."
On March 4th.2003 I have delivered a speech on the subject " Strategic Ambiguity in
Confronting with Crisis of Iraq,"in The 13th International Conference on the Persian Gulf :
"The Persian Gulf in the Light of Global Changes & Regional Developments."
I have prepared a paper on "The Legality of U.S. Armed Interventions and Prospects for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East," which was presented to the Regional Security Conference this coming August 2003 in Athens ,Greece.(Text)
A second short paper was presented to Persian Gulf Security Group during the same conference in Athens: "The Future of the Persian Gulf Security in the Light of Recent U.S. Armed
Intervention in Iraq" (Text)


It was revealed very recently through the United Nations media network that a total amount of $ 17 million was allocated to the Governmental bodies of the Islamic Republic of Iran ( Including the Ministry of Jihad . . . ) , as a partial and peripheral amount claimed by this
latter for the purpose of undertaking a number of monitoring research
projects for the evaluation of damage caused to maritime and terrestrial
environment of Iran during and after the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait
in 1990-1991. For a detail account of the case , please refer to the appropriate files, in this Site.
It is worthwhile to note that nothing in this respect has been so far
brought to the attention of interested parties through official channels of the
Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs , in charge of pursuing the case
through the United Nations Compensation Commission ( UNCC ) in Geneva,
Switzerland. /

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